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Writer's pictureHeidi Fewster

Parish Matters Issue 76


Issue 76, September 2023



So much has been going on in our church it is hard to know where to start. The thing that everyone talks about is the roof. Suffice to say that we now have a new roof. What has impressed me the most is the way that so many people have come forward to help. People have willingly given donations, some very generous, their time and talents and a lot of hard work and gifts in kind for fundraising events. No one has ever said they could not help and even more hopeful, people are not saying they are too old, too tired, too busy. We have shown there is a need and that need has been met and continues to be met, because there will always be a need for people to help. We do not have a fairy godmother or a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. There is only us, our congregation, our friends and our good will.

Also we have new and younger people who are worshipping with us and they have done so much to enliven our church life, with little kids, with music, with willingness to repair things and to “wash up!” We can work together because we have the same vision. Rev. Julia is working half time and she seems to be doing much more and we thank her for her hard work, understanding and sincere leadership. .Chris and Brent are sharing some of the work and we love having them with us and Chris’ wife Katyln is efficiently running our office. There will, of course, be challenges to be met in the future, but we can do it.



Hi Everyone,

I pray that you are rested, healthy and “raring to go” as we head into the fall. The Parish has had a great summer. On the good news front we have seen the return of a few parishioners who have not attended since COVID. We are also seeing some new people. We heartily welcome each and every one of you!

This summer we have had our doors open for many events outside of regular worship. With our wonderful new sign, we have been able to let the broader community know what we have been up to as well. From the Coronation Tea, to ringing the steeple bell on Canada Day, to handing our stickers and treats on Pride weekend, to “Blessing the Bikes” Natal Day weekend, to having St Luke’s open for tours it has been a fun and busy time. Also, there have been two concerts at St Mark’s, Perotte.

I would say our biggest event was the Dinner Theatre held in conjunction with the Annapolis District Drama Group. For two wonderful evenings we set sail on a Love Cruise (not Love Boat!) and had a wonderful meal as we tried to sort out “who did it”. The monies raised were for the re-roofing of St Luke’s. The roof is now complete! We are grateful it has been done before the harsher fall and winter weather blows in. The decision was made to go with metal so it would not need to be done again for at least 50 years. To date between fundraising, generous donations, and a grant we have raised about $38,000 of the approximately $95,000 needed. Our fundraising efforts will continue. Do you have your ticket for the draw that will be done on September 3rd?

And, talking about roofs, St John’s Columbarium and Church also needs a new roof. The work on the roof is expected to start later in September. Donations for the roof, coupled with a grant and a withdrawal from their account is to cover the costs. Again, they are using metal to prevent the need to re-roof any time soon.

From now until Christmas we have a lot happening. There is a list later in this edition of Parish Matters. For example, on the list are several concert dates using the wonderful Grand Piano that we have been loaned by the Wall family. Please support us in our efforts and enjoy the fun and fellowship.

What I most want to talk about is our work to “Re-Imagine” ministry in the Annapolis Parish. We are headed into the fall and it is time for our discernment work to start in earnest. First there will be a parish relay where you will be asked to share with us what your talents are and where you have time to share them. We realize some people at some stages in their life may have little or no time to share. We do hope you will indicate where you can share, if you can. The relay is planned to start in September.

Save the date! Saturday, October 21st is going to be a Parish Retreat Day at St. Luke’s from about 10 to about 3:30pm. Full details are to come. We are planning a day with prayer, fellowship (think food!), education on understanding change (and how we react to it), who we are now as a Parish, and what is to come. Please, please make this a priority. I am not exaggerating when I say the Parish’s future depends on it.

We now have a Parish Prayer as we need to ask for God’s help on our journey. Please try to use the prayer regularly.

Baptismal and confirmation preparation will be held in the relatively near future. Please let Rev. Julia know if you are interested.

“O God who makes all things new, who called our ancestors to plant the seeds of the Anglican Church in this place centuries ago, bless and guide the Parish of Annapolis in all our ventures to renew our Parish vitality and outreach; that together we may prepare the ground for enduring ways to proclaim and live your Gospel: through Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.”

I have gone on for long enough. Blessings everyone.

Rev. Julia



Dear Parish of Annapolis,

I am happy to share a brief update about what is going on in the Music Ministry in our Parish. But first, thank you very much. It has been a joy to read your hymn suggestions and incorporate them into our worship. Please keep them coming!

After a restful summer, the Church Choir will be resuming choir practices on Thursdays from 5:00-6:20pm. Anthems are once again going to become a more regular part of our services. A post-communion Anthem or Musical Offering draws us into reflection and personal prayer as we shift from Holy Communion to the closing rites. I have a whole season of wonderful Anthems planned for the coming months. We look forward to a Choir Reunion to be held on Saturday, September 9th at 1pm where we will enjoy a fun workshop with choral conductor Gary Ewer followed by some cake and coffee & tea. Please come if you have sung in choir in the past or are interested in joining.

Introducing a second Parish choir called “The Choral Evensong Choir” to attract those who long to sing and hear early music. In January, our doors will open to the community to join in a Classical Anglican Choral Evensong on Saturdays at 4pm. Beginning in September, the Choral Evensong Choir will rehearse after the Church Choir on Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:50pm in preparation for this service. I look forward to working on music from the Great Service by William Byrd, English polyphonic Anthems, and of course (my favourite) Four-Part Anglican Chant.

To celebrate the Season of Creation, I am looking forward to some outdoor worship. Join us around the campfire as the sun sets to have a Smore and raise your voice singing favourite campfire worship songs alongside the guitar. Or, join us for a simple sung compline under the stars at Fort Anne. Details to come.

Please join me on the second Sunday of Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec at 4.30 pm for a series of Roof Fundraiser Piano Recitals, admission by donation. At these concerts, I will be playing piano music by Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy, Ravel, and many other wonderful piano composers. Come January 2024, the music will continue in the form of our very own classical chamber music series called “Second Sundays at St. Luke’s”. I look forward to sharing with you the roster of musicians who will be joining us for this series closer to that time.

The Advent and Christmas Season are still quite a way off, but even now it’s exciting to think about our Second Annual Sing-Along Messiah (Sunday, December 3 at 3pm), Christmas Carols at the Farmers Market (Saturday, December 16 at 10pm), our Festival of Lessons and Carols Service (Thursday, December 21 at 7pm), and our light-hearted Christmas Carols & Cookies around the upright piano in the hall (Saturday, December 30 at 4pm). Will Saint Nicholas be there?

Back to Liturgy, it has been on my heart to compose a new mass setting for quite some time. Keeping in mind that a fourth Fewster is arriving in November, I am gently aiming at having this ready for Advent. However, it just might be Epiphany. God knows.

Your continued prayers for music ministry at St. Luke’s and in the Parish of Annapolis mean the world.

Ever your servant, Heidi Fewster If you would be interested in joining the choir, you would be very welcome. We like to sing in parts (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) but just a love of singing is quite enough to make a joyful noise to our Lord. Please talk to Heidi. Also, of course, we would love everyone to come to listen to us at the many musical offerings coming up in our Parish. Most are free or by donation and money will go towards the roof.



Thanksgiving Sunday is October 8. If you can bring in produce, either from your garden or bought in a store or at the market or not perishables for the Food Bank it would make the day special. All produce will be given to the Food Bank.



Parish Visiting Rev. Julia and Chris are continuing to visit parishioners. They are working through all members of the parish but if you would like a visit sooner please call the office (902 532 0913. Also if there is anyone who is new in the area, please let Rev. Julia know. Ministers in Training We are very happy to have the help of two leaders in training. Chris Tidd is studying for ordination and is with us for a while as he works with Rev. Julia. We are also happy to have his wife, Kalyn as our administrative assistant. Brent Fewster is training to become a Licensed Lay Minister. They will be taking all or part of the services from time to time and we hope you will support them in their calling with your prayers and encouragement. . Old Home Services Old Home Services: These continue with services in St. John’s Moschelle on Sept. 10th at 10.00 am. And All Saints’. Gibson Lake also on Sept 10th at 2.30 pm. Blessing of the animals On Sunday, Oct 1st at 2.—pm. At the “O”. An Ecumenical service. Bring your pets and receive a blessing for them. You must be in charge of your own pets at all times and clean up after them if necessary. St Luke’s Day A Special service for the Patron Saint of our church. On Wednesday Oct. 18. Time to be announced.. Parish Retreat Day A special chance to get together as a Parish on Oct. 21st. 10.00 – 4.00 In the morning there will be workshop session with Colleen O’Toole on being ready for change and in the afternoon another session entitled “Why do we exist?”. – worship, proclamation, teaching, fellowship, service. And to crown it all, Chris and Rev. Julia are making lunc!. More details later.

All Saints’ Day A service on Wednesday, Nov 1st. Time to be announced



During Covid, St. Anne’s Camp had a difficult time and with the death of Henry Spurr they lost one of their greatest supporters. Happily, there is a new surge of interest. They will be holding the wonderful Turkey Supper at the camp on Sunday, September 24. Tickets are available at the church on Sundays and at the office. If you would like to volunteer please contact Lorrie Penny – or leave a message in the office.




Yard Sale There will be a giant Yard Sale on Saturday, Sept 30th from 9.00 to noon. Start collecting items and bring them to the Church Hall starting Tuesday, Sept 26.

Pickle Project A time for purchasing delicious pickles and jam will be announced. Please contact Brenda or Wendy if you can help. Bake Sale We hope to have a Bake Sale on Dec 2 at the Craft Fair at the Fire Hall. More information soon.


A little help goes a long way

We need more singers in the choir. It’s fun, it’s easy and it makes a real difference. Talk to Heidi.

We need more people to do practical things. Helping set up the altar (no more than once a month in your own time ). Talk to Judy.

Cleaning the brass (about once every two months) – talk to Dodie

Arranging flowers – about two times every three Months – talk to Judy

Greeting at the church door – about once every six weeks – talk to Judy

Keeping the kitchen clean – talk to Brenda

Prayers of the people – as often or seldom as you can manage – talk to Judy

Keeping the landscaping outside tidy – in your own time – talk to Rev. Julia

We always need help with fundraisers. Be available when we need you. The yard sale is next!!


God & the Spider

During World War II, a soldier was separated from his unit on a Pacific Island. The fighting had been intense, and in the smoke and the crossfire he had lost touch with his comrades.

Alone in the jungle, he could hear enemy soldiers coming in his direction. Scrambling for cover, he found his way up a high ridge to several small caves in the rock. Quickly he crawled inside one of the caves. Although safe for the moment, he realized that once the enemy soldiers looking for him swept up the ridge, they would quickly search all the caves and he would be killed.

As he waited, he prayed, "Lord, if it be your will, please protect me. Whatever your will though, I love you and trust you. Amen."

After praying, he lay quietly listening to the enemy begin to draw close. He thought, "Well, I guess the Lord isn't going to help me out of this one.." Then he saw a spider begin to build a web over the front of his cave.

As he watched, listening to the enemy searching for him all the while, the spider layered strand after strand of web across the opening of the cave.

"Ha,” he thought. "What I need is a brick wall and what the Lord has sent me is a spider web. God does have a sense of humor."

As the enemy drew closer he watched from the darkness of his hideout and could see them searching one cave after another. As they came to his, he got ready to make his last stand. To his amazement, however, after glancing in the direction of his cave, they moved on. Suddenly, he realized that with the spider web over the entrance, his cave looked as if no one had entered for quite a while. "Lord, forgive me," prayed the young man. "I had forgotten that in you a spider's web is stronger than a brick wall."


Hi from Lukie

The Day that Baldwin Arrived

This has been quite a summer for this wee mouse; there has been banging on the roof and thumping around my second favourite hiding spot. Some humans came inside and without any warning to me or asking if it would be acceptable tore out some of the soft seats and moved in a huge thing that is sort of a strange looking table but with the top that flips up to show all sorts of magic inside. Wires and sticks that hit the wires, and other stuff that I was too little to see properly. THEN they did some more magic stuff and beautiful music came out of this new ‘thing’ and filled my church, and my soul with such beauty and joy!

I was so curious to learn what the new and beautiful creature was called. I am not very great when it comes to reading but I did hear the name Baldwin discussed, so I guess this is called just that....Baldwin. A few days later the humans came into my church and the Boss Lady talked a lot, and the groaner groaned , and the humans talked together and sang and I could sense excitement . My whiskers were quivering and I knew something very special was going to happen. Well, at the end of our shared time, the pretty human who makes the groaner make beautiful music came down and sat at the new fancy table with the top that lifts up. The Boss Lady said some very solemn words, all the humans answered, “Amen:” Then it was like angels came into my church. The softest, slowest, most calming noise came from Baldwin. My church was filled with the wonder of it all. I later heard the name of the beautiful noise that is called music was ”Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun” by Claude Debussy.

I bet you are thinking “That is one smart wee mouse to know such a thing! What mouse knows about music? “ Well this mouse keeps his ears to the ground to hear what is going on. He now knows that Baldwin will stay in my church for a long visit and that many others will come and make beautiful music with him. We will be blessed with the gift of the sound of Angels. I can hardly you can’t either!! I will find a new hiding spot and snuggle in to listen to Baldwin and the human that sits on his bench bring joy to my tiny grey ears. I am sure you too will find the perfect spot to listen . Shhhhh, see you there! Lukie and Rosie




Friends are someone to hug

Friends are someone to laugh with you

Friends mean having fun

Friends can be brothers or sisters or anyone

Friends can be like you or very different

To have a friend you ,must be a friend




  • Sunday, Sept 3After church: Drawing for the raffle. All tickets must be handed in before this

  • Sat. Sept 91.00 – 4.00. Choir reunion with special guest. If you sung in the church choir or junior choir at any time come along to sing and chat about old times.

  • 2nd Sunday of Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.4.30 Piano recital with our new grand piano and Heidi Fewster. Admission by donation.

  • Sunday, Sept 10 at 10.00. Holy Cross Day service at St. John’s, Moschelle

  • Sunday, Sept 10 at 2:30.Moschelle Old Home Service, All Saints, Gibson Lake

  • Sunday, Sept 24 from 1.00 – 5.00. St. Anne’s Camp Turkey Dinner and Camp Songs at Gibson Lake Tickets available at church or the office. $20.00, children $7.00 Sat.

  • Sept 30 from 9.00 – 12.00 Giant Yard Sale. Please bring donations to the Hall from Tuesday, Sept 26 to Friday September 29. Money raised is for the roof.

  • Sun. Oct at 12.00 . Blessing of the animals at the “O”. An ecumenical service of blessing.

  • Sat. October 21 at 10.00 – 4.00: PARISH RETREAT DAY. A day to talk about our vision for the Parish.

  • Sat, Dec 2 Bake Sale at the Christmas Craft Fair in the Fire Hall.

  • Sunday, Dec. 3 at 3.00: Sing-a-Long Messiah. See announcements for rehearsal times. All welcome to sing or come and listen.

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