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Writer's picture: Heidi FewsterHeidi Fewster

April 30th, 2023

Whatever we do, it is a fact of life that people come and people go. Some of us stay in the same place for a long time and some of us fly in and out like a comet across the night sky. We are God’s Church and we welcome all people wherever they may be on their life journey. At this time we are saying goodbye and also hello to two very important people. Rev. Nita is retiring and Rev. Julia is coming to be our Priest in Charge.

The Parish would like to say a big thank you to Rev. Nita for what she has done while she was with us. For a start she is a “local girl” and many of us have known her for years and watched the way she has embraced her calling to the Ministry. Her achievements have been many including:

  • The establishment of a mission statement

  • The development of the Welcome Table

  • Experimenting with worship styles

  • Changes to the seating in the church to

  • accommodate wheelchairs

  • A hearing loop for hearing aids,

  • 200th Anniversary Celebration.

  • New blue hangings for Advent

  • Bringing us into the era of digital communication.

I remember her saying more than once, “If you don’t try something, you will never know if it is the right thing for our church or not.” This is a wonderful way of looking at things and I hope it may continue.

Finally, Rev. Nita may have retired but she has not left us. Her home is still here and after a suitable period away she will return to our congregation and is already thinking of ways she can help. We wish her and Tim a very happy retirement.



“Hello, my name is Julia Ford. I was ordained an Anglican Priest in May of 1991 in the Diocese of Toronto. (Yes, I am “from away”) After my two year curacy, I became what was called at that time a “Worker Priest”. I had both a secular career in information technology and was a Honourary Assistant at a number of parishes. Over time I also became an Associate Priest and in some parishes, Priest in Charge.

I was married ten years ago.

Fast forward to 2020 and we decided it was time to think about retiring from our secular jobs. We decided that we would like to get out of the Greater Toronto area and looked to Nova Scotia. We purchased a home and moved in full-time in 2021. We have been delighted with the reception we have received from the Parish and people of Annapolis Royal and area.

I feel blessed that the Bishop has entrusted me to work as Priest in Charge in the Parish during this amazing time when we are looking, to use Bishop Sandra’s words, “to re-imagine what ministry might look like in the Parish of Annapolis.” I look forward to working together with you on this mission. Everyone’s ideas and views are critical

My “church” email is My Nova Scotia phone number is (902) 312-4028.

Blessings to all.

Rev. Julia


April Showers Bring May Flowers and Damp Pews

As we rejoice in the coming of all the joys and beauty of spring, we look out and admire the blooming of the 200 Daffodil bulbs that were planted around the grounds of St. Luke’ Church Annapolis Royal to mark our 200th anniversary. They are putting on a brave show and hopefully will get better year by year. We also await with trepidation the Spring showers and the signs of our leaky roof ; wet pews and large cooking pots pinging with the sounds of rain coming through the roof of our beloved church. Luckily we have been able to put a temporary cover on the roof for the present but this is just a band aid.

The Raise The Roof committee has been busy with plans for this massive repair project. They have been in contact with different contractors, both local and national. We are happy to report that Interlock Roofing Systems, a Nova Scotian company, has been contracted to repair the roof. They will be installing a metal roof with proper ventilation and with a life time warranty so that a dry future for our church can be secured. This will cost approximately $100,000 which is a staggering amount of money. Because this will be a huge burden for our small congregation we will be seeking grants and other means of financial assistance as we proceed to restore St. Luke’s roof to its safe and secure place watching over our town as it has done for the last 200 years.
There will be lots of activity around our beloved place of worship. Scaffolding will sprout up as damage is accessed and work begun.

Please support our fund raising projects and there are also other ways to support this cause by donating to the Raise The Roof Fund. For details, please see the insert in this Parish Matters. With God’s help and our faith we will see St. Luke’s standing with a watertight roof for many years to come.

Sarah Neish




Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners we have some wonderful prizes to offer in our raffle. Tickets are available now in the Rosette Room. Cost is $2 for one and 3 for $5. Just sign to say you have taken a book and bring the sold tickets and stubs back to Jeanne Fox when you are done. The draw will take place on Sept 3. There will be individual draws for each prize.

  • A night’s lodging at The Seafaring Maiden and a gourmet breakfast

  • $50 worth of seafood of your choice from Clearwater Ltd.

  • A beautiful hand made queen size quilt valued at $1000

  • A picture of St. Luke’s Church in the moonlight by Louise Oliver

  • An Instapot and recipes.


The tea and sale will be held on the day of the Coronation of King Charles III, Saturday, May 6, from 2.00 – 4.00 in the church hall. Cost of the tea is $5.00. We will be serving traditional English cream tea with scones, jam and whipped cream. Gluten free option available.

There will also be a bake table with delicious home made goodies for sale. If you can bake for us we would be delighted. Bring baked goods to the hall on Friday 10.00 – 5.00 or Saturday morning May 5 and 6. Our raffle items will be displayed and tickets can be bought.


The Annapolis District Drama Group has kindly agreed to put on a dinner theatre for us.The play is called The Love Cruise and we will provide a delicious dinner.This will take place on Friday and Saturday, July 14 and 15.Final details are being worked out.Stay tuned.


Other fund raising events are being planned including The Great Pickle Project.


We do not usually ask directly for money in our Parish. Our Parishioners are very generous and we hope that when there is a need they will respond. At this time, however, we have to raise a large sum to fix the roof and we need all the help we can get. It was very evident that we needed this repair when water came through the ceiling in the main church and time is of the essence. Below are some of the ways that you can help.


This is one of the most important ways to give. Whether you support our bake sale, cook for us, buy or sell raffle tickets or donate prizes, work in the kitchen, come to the dinner theatre, make pickles, spread the word amongst your friends and above all be upbeat and encouraging, all these things are vital if we are to be a vibrant, living church. Some of them cost nothing but are valuable none the less.


We know that we need money. We also know what we can individually afford. It is not financially possible to use our capital because this is rapidly running out just to cover our everyday expenses, which, of course, continue roof or no roof. Perhaps if you can dig a little deeper into your pocket for your regular contributions. The church still needs money whether you are there or not.



P.A.R. or Pre-Authorized Remittance is an easy way to manage your church giving. You agree to give a set amount which is automatically deducted from your Bank Account or Credit Card either on the 1st or 15th of each month. This way you do not have to think about it, the Parish knows what it’s income will be and so can budget more realistically and the cost of envelopes is eliminated.

If you are interested Jeanne Fox will be pleased to guide you through the process.You can cancel or change the amount at any time.


$1000 is a lot of money and not everyone can even consider it. Do not worry. However, if you are in a position to do this, as our Treasurer said, “If 100 people gave $1000 we would be home and dry.” We have had a few donations of this amount already. Please note that a tax receipt will be given for any money donation.


The new roof will be metal but it is still in the shape of shingles. Each shingle is 18 inches by 10 inches and costs $10.00. Therefore, for $100 you could buy 10 shingles or whatever you like. We will keep a record of this and in the future you can look up, way up, and say to your grandchildren, “That is my shingle.”


You or members of your family might like to give to the roof fund in memory of a loved one. We will also keep a record of these donations and they will be acknowledged at our worship services from time to time.


1. Place the donation in an envelope and mark it clearly with your name number if you have one, and what it is for. If it is for shingles or a memorial mark this as well. Put it in the collection plate.

2. Again do as above and give it to Jeanne Fox or leave it at the office

3. Again do as above and drop it in the lock box at the Rosette Room entry.

4. You may give cash or a cheque made out to Parish of Annapolis/Roof fund.

5. If you need an e-transfer please contact Jeanne Fox at 902 532 2625 or email at

6. Add a donation when you come to any of our fundraisers.

7. Send the donation by mail to Parish of Annapolis, Attn. Jeanne Fox, P.O. Box 427, Annapolis Royal, NS. B0S1A0
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