Busy, busy, busy. It’s that time of year and the Parish of Annapolis just keeps on celebrating. If you are tempted to say, “Not another batch of cookies to bake,” think what it would be like if we had nothing to celebrate.
We have just finished honouring our church on the 200th anniversary. There was an open house, an anniversary service, a photo, planting daffodils and now finally a pot luck supper. I hope you were able to come to at least some of these things.
Now it is almost the seasons of Advent and Christmas. Advent means “to come towards” and it means Christ’s second coming as well as Christmas itself. The run up to Christmas can be fun, exhilarating, loving and just plain overwhelming. It also should be solemn, beautiful and majestic. We can thank Heidi, our organist for drawing all these elements together in her music programs, which you can read about in this Newsletter.
Imagine Christmas through the eyes of a child – the silence of the snow, the brightness of the stars, the frosty walks to see the Christmas lights and lying in bed trying to sleep when you are too excited and then, suddenly it’s Christmas Day and is it too early to wake up the family at five o’clock in the morning? The best Christmas my grandchildren had was when the power went out mid-turkey cooking and we had to cook it on the wood stove in a frying pan. That we won’t forget!
Whatever your Christmas is, solemn or chaotic, may it be merry and very, very bright.
Dear Members of the Parish,
I have two questions for you. What does Advent mean, and how do you live out the Advent season? It appears to me the Advent season is all about waiting, anticipation, and expectation. If I were to ask this question substituting the word Advent with Christmas it would be no surprise to many of us to hear the same response. Our society has shifted the one joyous day of Christmas celebration on Dec. 25, with its subsequent twelve days of Christmas that follow, to that of the entire four weeks leading up to Christmas. This reduces Advent to become an unfamiliar word with the questions on many a persons lips, “What is Advent?” For some households Christmas is as early as the day after Halloween! This I find rather amazing although it should not come as a surprise. The majority of today’s population has forgotten that Christmas is about the celebration of Christ’s birth and Advent is the four weeks leading up to Christmas Day.
What does Advent mean and how do we live out the Advent season? Let me confirm that I am not opposed to the giving and receiving of presents, or Christmas parties with families and friends, nor Old St. Nick. I embrace them all, but more importantly I embrace the celebration of Christ’s coming, for without his arrival as a small and innocent babe and his return to us in another time yet to come. The gift of my life that I received at my birth would hold no meaning for me. Baby Jesus is our gift from the heavenly Father given to us, for us to receive redemption, to receive a full and complete pardon. For myself the Season of Advent means that I can fully immerse myself in the days of Advent that will begin this year on Sunday, Nov. 27. I will wait each day in the anticipation and expectation of celebrating Christ’s birth on Christmas Eve. I shall fully try to take it all in as I offer Advent prayers, as I light the Advent candles on the wreath at my home, or when I turn on the Christmas lights, or when I sing carols. These are the ways that I will celebrate Advent season and the coming exception of Emmanuel who is our Saviour. These are the traditions that help me to discover Advent and I how I live it out. I hope that you embrace this Advent season of waiting in anticipation immersing yourself in your family traditions, remembering that Jesus is the reason for the season, and in the expectation of his return.
Wishing you all a blessed Advent season. Rev. Nita
Father Donald Neish
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Rev. Canon Donald Neish. He died peacefully in Middleton Hospital surrounded by his family
Never have I had the honour to meet a more sincere man of faith than Fr. Donald. I only knew him well since he was in our Parish. He was always ready to help even to a great age, even if not in good health, whether it was by assisting in the services, working with the young people, writing the prayers of the people and generally encouraging us all to follow the way of Christ. If asked his stock answer was nearly always, “Yes, that is something I can do.”
He and Sarah were a fixture in our services and there will be a blank place where he used to sit. The whole Parish sends their sympathy and love to Sarah and to Barbara and the rest of his family.
His legacy will be of faith, of friendship and of laughter, washed down with a wee dram.
Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord
And may light perpetual shine upon him
Family Service - 4:00 PM
Contemporary Service - 6:00 PM
Traditional Service - 8:00 PM
For unto a child is born
Unto us a Son is given
And His name shall be called
Wonderful, Counseller,
The might God, the everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace
We have been missing the little stories about our very special church mice, Lukie and Rosie. Truth to tell they have been visiting a very special friend in Granville Ferry. It was a long trip for little short legs but they made it. They knew that the friend would not be with them much more and they wanted to be near. They miss their beloved church but may be back one day. In the meantime here is a poem they like about the mice at Christmas. They hope you do too.
Out of the lamplight,
Whispering, worshiping
The mice in the hay.
Timid eyes pearl bright,
Whispering, worshiping
Whisking, quick and away.
They were there that night,
Whispering, worshiping
Smaller than snowflakes are
But he smiled to see them
Whispering, worshiping
There in the lamplight.
Leslie Norris
Exciting things are happening in our church. Heidi, our organist is busy preparing several musical and worship events for Advent and Christmas.
We are happy to report that we have some new members joining the choir. If you would like to sing with us talk to Heidi. We would love to have you.
Compline is a short, simple evening service. It is held in the evening. The church is filled with candlelight and beautiful and solemn music and prayers are offered in a quiet and meditative manner. It is well worth coming out and attending..
Compline services will be held on the 1st Sunday of the month – Dec 5 and Jan 2 at 8.00 p.m.
Handel’s Messiah is one of the best loved festive choral music pieces. We will be holding a sing along celebration of this great work on Sunday, Nov 26 at 2.00 p.m. There will be instruments and everyone is welcome. You can sing along or just listen. It will be fun and a great way to welcome Advent and Christmas.
Everyone loves to sing Christmas carols. This will be a fun time for young and old to sing the old favorites. It will be held in the Hall on Sunday, December 10th at 4.00 p.m.
It is important to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, that Jesus was born in a stable. In this service we trace the coming of the Christ child through the prophets until He is born in Bethlehem. It will be held in the church on Friday, Dec 16 at 6.30 p.m.
If you would like to give flowers for Christmas in memory of a loved one please contact Judy Dickinson. The deadline is December 18th.
The Guild will be having a Christmas Bake Table at the Fire Hall on December 3 as part of the Christmas market. The sale runs from 10.00 – 4.00. We are hoping that members of the congregation can help us by baking, making preserves, making candy or giving us a donation. The Guild has several projects to do in our church and everything counts. Items should be brought into the Hall on Friday from 10.00 – 3.00 or Saturday at the sale by 9.30 am. We prefer Friday morning as this gives us time to sort and price.
We are holding a super raffle. Kate and Laslo at the Queen Anne Inn are donating a night away for two and Deanne and Barry are donating 10 pounds of lobster. The draw will be on Dec 23. Quite a Christmas treat. Tickets are available at the office or from members of the congregation and are $2.00 for one, $5 for three and $7 for 10. Tickets are going fast so don’t miss out.
Everyone is welcome to stay after the Service on Sun, Dec 18 to help decorate the church for Christmas - tree, windows, outside lights etc.
Rev. Nita and Tim are very kindly hosting a New Year’s Levee in the Rosette Room on January 1st from 11.00 – 1.00. This happy event has had to be cancelled in recent years and it is lovely to have it return.
Our fellowship has returned. This is happening usually on the first Sunday of each month after the service. Everyone is asked to bring a small plate to share and volunteers make coffee, etc. The Guild is also serving soup at Fellowship during the winter months. A small donation of about $5.00 is appreciated.
We have proudly and with faith in the future celebrated our 200th anniversary of the building of St. Luke’s. A parish photo was taken, an Open House was held and we celebrated with a special Anniversary Service. We planted 200 daffodils and on the day this is published there is a pot luck supper to draw our celebrations to a close. Now we journey on.
Rev. Nita has announced that she will be retiring April 30, 2023 and things are in progress to select a new minister. We wish her every happiness in her retirement. She will not be going away and plans to still worship with us and to help as a volunteer.
The Church Guild has begun soup lunches again after the services. The next one will be in January.
The contemporary service Jesus in Jeans has begun again in St. Mark’s Church. This is a different service and worth a try. Details in the bulletin.
We honoured Queen Elizabeth II in a special memorial service and now are proud to sing God Save the King when appropriate.
The Welcome Table group is discussing plans to help those less fortunate during the winter months.
Nov 27 at 2:00 p.m. Messiah Sing Along
Fri . Dec 2 from 10:00 – 3:00. Drop off for baked goods for sale
Sat. Dec 3 from 10:00 - 4:00. Guild Bake Sale at the Fire Hall
Dec 5 at 8:00 p.m. Service of Compline
Dec 10 at 4:00 p.m. Christmas Carol Sing Along
Dec 16 at 6:30 p.m. Service of Lessons and Carols
Dec 18 after service. Decorating the church for Christmas
Fri. Dec 23 at 3:00 pm. Draw for Super Raffle
Christmas Eve
4:00 p.m. Family Service
6:00 p.m. Contemporary Service
8:00 p.m. Traditional Service
Christmas Day
8:00 a.m. Said BCP Holy Communion
Jan 1 from 11:00 a.m – 1:00 p.m. New Year’s Levee in The Rosette Room
Jan. 2 at 8:00 p.m. Service of Compline